Broderick Crawford stars in this 1954 noir “Down Three Dark Streets,” which includes action at Subway Terminal Building and Pacific Electric PCCs, including no. 5001. From transit [...]
In part one, Charley Chase is seen catching Los Angeles Railway car no. 309 along 2nd Avenue in Los Angeles. Skip to 2:40 to view this segment. In part two, skip ahead to 4:34 to view another [...]
Forgotten early talkies comedy star Charley Chase is at his best in this 1931 Hal Roach Studios release “Hasty Marriage.” Scroll ahead to about 7:15 and you’ll see that Charley [...]
From our good friend Ralph Cantos comes this great clip, from the 1950 Rudolph Maté noir “Union Station” starring William Holden. Take it away, Ralph: It was shot on the PEs 6th and [...]