PE 913: Forever Part of the Formosa Cafe
Editor’s Note: News upon the sudden closure of the West Hollywood architectural icon Formosa Cafe, whose exterior features former Pacific Electric car no. 913, prompted transit historian and frequent PERYHS contributor Ralph Cantos to pass along this image and information.
By Ralph Cantos
There is only one PE car at the Formosa Café, and it’s the 913, part of it anyway. It was one of the last 800s still in service when this photo was taken, but the end was near. By the end of 1940, they were all gone, except for the four 800s that were made into box motors: cars 1495 to 1498. They lasted until about 1950. The trucks from the 1498 are out at OERM, and the 913 could be restored. That would be fantastic.
Harold F. Stewart Photo, Craig A. Rasmussen Collection
The Formosa Cafe has now been restored in 2019. The Red car is still a part of it, but much of the other parts of Formosa are those that receive the focus. See :