Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority no. 1387 pauses at Broadway and 7th Street on the September 21, 1958, Southern California Electric Railway Association (SC-ERA) Fan Trip. Notes: [...]
By Ralph Cantos As part of a day long fan trip using Pacific Electric PCC no. 5011 on October 12, 1952, the 5011 made a trip over the Cahuenga Pass, the first time a PE PCC made the run over the [...]
This image comes to us all the way from England – from Roger Monk of the Tramway & Light Railway Society. We’ll let Roger take it from here: Greetings from the United Kingdom! I [...]
This Long Beach Express dash sign was used by both the Pacific Electric & Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority. Steve Crise Photo, Mount Lowe Preservation Society Collection
Pacific Electric’s 6th & Main Street Station, with an overhead view taken from the building itself, looking eastward at the elevated tracks and arrival / departure platforms. The image [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA) blimps nos. 1537 and 1535 roll down the 1100 block of Long Beach Boulevard in this image dated January 23, 1960. Unknown Photographer, Jack Finn [...]
Metropolitan Transit Authority (ex-Pacific Electric) blimps nos. 1521 (bound for San Pedro) and 1527 (bound for Long Beach) idle at 6th and Main in this moody image dated December 7, 1961. Bruce [...]
By Ralph Cantos This very interesting photograph was taken on October 12, 1952. The location is the middle of La Cienega at San Vicente Boulevard looking north. The fan trip operated around [...]
By Caesar “CJ” Milch On December 29, 1952, the day after the last regularly scheduled cars ran to the Valley, there was a special car run by the PE for a group of local politicians [...]