By Ralph Cantos Pacific Electric’s roster of “modern” wood-bodied interurbans peeked at about 335 units. These wood-bodied beauties consisted of 4 distinct classes: the 500s, [...]
Pacific Electric no. 304 is assigned to the East Colorado – Lincoln Avenue Line in Pasadena. Its exact location is unknown. PE no. 304 was built by J.G. Brill Company in 1913. It was a [...]
The Subway Terminal building is located at 417 South Hill Street. When it opened in 1925, the building contained 600 offices and was one of the largest office building in the city. The ground [...]
Pacific Electric’s San Fernando Station location at the intersection of Brand Boulevard and Columbus Ave. Note that the rails have been removed but the ties have not been salvaged. In the [...]
The Date is November of 1963. The Pacific Electric agency at East Long Beach had long been closed by the time this photograph was taken. The depot was located on Anaheim Street just east of [...]
Pacific Electric Railway Company, Culver City. The date is March 26, 1964. This is the south side and west end of the Culver City depot. The baggage / freight room is in the foreground. The [...]
The gateman’s tower at Santa Fe Avenue. Santa Fe Avenue is to the left. At this point the Pacific Electric crossed the Los Angeles Railway J Line. The date is March 26, 1964. Robert Gaddie [...]
A portion of the Highland – Patton line remained in service during the 1960s. The line operated over private right-of-way between Rialto Avenue and Sierra Way. The right-of-way cut [...]
It’s an unknown date as Pacific Electric no. 110 has its destination sign rolled up to Arlington. However, we believe this photo was taken at 34th and Mountain View in San Bernardino; we [...]
The date is July 11, 1965. Southern Pacific diesel locomotive no. 4614 works some street trackage in San Bernardino. Robert Gaddie Photo, Robert Gaddie Collection