Pacific Electric blimps lead by no. 410, part of a Rose Parade Extra, pass through Sierra Vista as car no. 628 bound for Watts idles at a switch on a nearby track. The date is January 1, [...]
Pacific Electric car no. 363 (and its beaming motorman) roll through the corner of Forest Avenue and Lincoln on the Pasadena Lincoln Avenue Line on June 20, 1940. Harold F. Stewart [...]
Pacific Electric interurbans, including no. 1012, rest at Temple City Station, located between Kaufman and Golden West on Las Tunas Drive. The date is November 2, 1941. Harold F. [...]
An unidentified set of Pacific Electric interurbans pause on Mission Loop on the Temple City Line in this image dated November 23, 1941. Harold F. Stewart Photo, Stan Kistler Collection
Pacific Electric interurban no. 890 pauses at Clifton while the motorman throws a switch on the way to Redondo Beach. The date is December 10, 1939. Harold F. Stewart Photo, Stan [...]
Pacific Electric interurban no. 1103 and car no. 331 are captured at rest in the Pasadena Car House, located on North Fair Oaks Avenue, circa 1940. Harold F. Stewart Photo, Stan [...]
Harold F. Stewart climbed Mount Lowe in February of 1938 and captured a series of images of the Alpine Division in abandonment. This shot shows a rockslide covering the right-of-way just [...]
On February 23, 1938, Harold F. Stewart climbed the Mount Lowe right-of-way and captured this still life image of the right of way, post-abandonment. Harold F. Stewart Photo, Stan [...]