Los Angeles Transit Lines no. 1294 pauses at the passenger shelter at Broadway and 116th Street in this undated photo on the 7 Line. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan Weeks Collection
By Ralph Cantos This photo, recently discovered by traction historian Michael Patris, is remarkable to say the least. It was taken in November of 1948 at the Los Angeles Transit Line’s [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) car no. 1415 pauses on a tail track at the corner of 11th and Main Streets in Los Angeles in this ERA fan trip image dated August 18, [...]
Photographer L. Swanson captured this view from the front window of Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) car no. 1415 during an ERA fan trip August 18, 1956. The location is [...]
A retouched-photographed-turned-picture-postcard by an unknown printer depicts turn-of-the-century Los Angeles’ Main Street, identified by the “Belasco Theater” signage. The [...]
A Los Angeles Railway 7 Line streetcar rolls north of 2nd Street on Spring Street, passing by the massive Los Angeles Times building as it makes its way on a hazy Los Angeles morning. [...]