Los Angeles Transit Lines no. 293 on B Line service pauses at Evergreen and Brooklyn Avenues in this image dated January 31, 1948. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan Weeks Collection
Los Angeles Railway car no. 449 pauses for this amazing photo in front of the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company, located at Macy and Alameda Streets in Los Angeles, on June 13, 1937. [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) car no. 488 rolls down Macy Street on the B Line in this image dated June 26, 1948. Ralph Cantos Collection
Looking the other way from the 1235 shot, car #436 nears the end of track at Miller and City Terrace Drive. The date is November 10, 1948. Andy Payne Photo, Ralph Cantos Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines car no. 1235 visits the B line a week before abandonment. This was a fan trip. The B line very seldom had H class cars assigned to the line…if ever ! Ralph Cantos [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines no. 344 rolls through City Terrace in this March 1948 photo. Ken Douglas Photo Ralph Cantos Collection From Ralph Cantos: A nice shot taken by Ken Douglas in March of [...]
Los Angeles Railway B Line streetcar no. 289 poses in front of a residential liquor store. The destination board reads “B / To 51st St. & Ascot.” Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines B Line streetcar no. 430 rolls up a slight grade in City Terrace as a pedestrian stands on the opposite-direction tracks. Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines B Line streetcar no. 466 negotiates a left turn at Evergreen and Wabash in the City Terrace area of Los Angeles on an overcast day. Modified based on comment Jack Finn [...]