Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority P Line PCC car no. 3137 pulls out of the Division 4 North Yard and into service on March 6, 1963. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan Weeks Collection
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority P Line car no. 3148 turns right from Broadway to head west on Pico Blvd. in this image dated February 20, 1963. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority P Line car no. 3132 waits for a green signal to turn left from Pico onto Broadway in this image dated February 20, 1963. Alan Weeks Photo, [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority P Line car no. 3153 pauses with northbound traffic on Broadway at Olympic in this image dated February 20, 1963. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority PCC car no. 3143 on P Line service heads north on Broadway at 11th Street past the Herald-Examiner newspaper building in this image dated [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority PCC car no. 3126 pauses for passengers on Broadway at 7th Street in this P Line image from February 10, 1963. Alan Weeks Photo, Alan Weeks [...]
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority P Line unit no. 3153 leads a line of idle cars resting at the Division 4 Yard on Georgia Street in Los Angeles. The image is dated February 8, [...]
A P Line Los Angeles Transit Lines PCC streamlined streetcar cruises north on Broadway at 8th Street in downtown Los Angeles in 1953, past two of the more noteworthy cinemas of the day: [...]