Los Angeles Railway B Line streetcar no. 289 poses in front of a residential liquor store. The destination board reads “B / To 51st St. & Ascot.” Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Railway V Line streetcar no. 300 negotiates a tight turn on what appears to be private right-of-way resembling a residential alley. The destination board reads “1st & [...]
Los Angeles Railway U Line streetcars (led by no. 303) stop at Florence Blvd. passenger loading pads while heading south on Vermont. Note the crowd awaiting the opposite direction car. Jack Finn [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines streetcars no. 356 and 300 lead a group of identical units in what appears to be a pre-scrapping assembly on temporary track (note the lack of overhead wire and [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-LARy) streetcar no. 372 sits amid a tightly packed group of its mechanical brothers on what appears to be temporarily placed trackage with no overhead wire, perhaps [...]
Los Angeles Railway K Line streetcar no. 416’s destination board reads “K to Vermont Ave ONLY.” The car may be located at 41st and Ascot. Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines B Line streetcar no. 430 rolls up a slight grade in City Terrace as a pedestrian stands on the opposite-direction tracks. Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines B Line streetcar no. 466 negotiates a left turn at Evergreen and Wabash in the City Terrace area of Los Angeles on an overcast day. Modified based on comment Jack Finn [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines O/B Line streetcar no. 429 (ex-LARy) crests a hilltop and heads down the incline on its residential route, probably in City Terrace just prior to the late-1948 [...]