Los Angeles Transit Lines N Line streetcar no. 490 (ex-LARy) paces alongside another car while passing a Chevron RPM Gasoline billboard touting its product as “for the car you love.” [...]
Los Angeles Railway 9 Line streetcar no. 516 rolls through the quiet Los Angeles neighborhood of Griffin Avenue in Montecito Heights around 1948. Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-LARy) streetcar no. 525 carries a lone passenger while displaying a “not in service” destination board. Jack Finn Collection
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) V Line streetcar no. 530 speeds along with an advertisement for LA’s own Brew 102 Beer on its side. Note the daydreaming woman at the rear [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) V Line streetcar no. 531 moves along its route. The destination board reads “V / Slauson & Santa Fe.” Jack Finn Collection
The Los Angeles Transit Lines motorman peers through the window of V Line streetcar no. 536 (ex-LARy) during operation. The destination board reads “V / Slauson & Santa Fe.” Jack [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) V Line streetcar no. 616 negotiates heavy traffic. The V Line served Nevin to East Hollywood; the car’s message board reads [...]
The Los Angeles Transit Lines motorman eases V Line streetcar no. 619 out of the Division 1 car barn at Central Avenue and 7th Street . A bevy of LATL cars await orders in the background. [...]
A Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) N Line streetcar no. 1201 in fresh Los Angeles Transit Lines livery rolls down the street. The advertisement reads “LeRoy’s [...]
Los Angeles Transit Lines (ex-Los Angeles Railway) H Line streetcar no. 1232 negotiates a slight incline on private right-of-way near Vermont Avenue. The H Line ran between South Los [...]