By Robert L. Davis With attention now given to the LA-Pasadena Light Rail line, I thought I’d better write some of my remembrances of the Monrovia line, which shared the Pasadena lines as [...]
Sometime perhaps in the 40’s or 50’s my grandfather wrote a brief treatise on his railroad-related experiences, calling it “Notes by L. A. Toothaker,” which I came across [...]
From early childhood trips on the P. E., Railroad Boosters fan trips, riding a three-car train from Hollywood Boulevard and Vermont Avenue to the Rose Parade and rail fanning around the system [...]
Jack Whitmeyer recalls his experiences of the P.E. with particular emphasis on Riverside from 1934 to 1942. This monograph also covers San Bernardino and the San Bernardino – Los Angeles RPO. 56 [...]
Charles Seims recalls his experiences discovering the P. E.’s Mount Lowe Line 20 years after its abandonment and his attempts to recover, record and preserve its artifacts in subsequent years. [...]
Containing an economic analysis if P. E. operations up to the beginning of World War II, a photo essay, “Steam to the Rescue” covering the extensive use of steam power by the P.E. during the war, [...]
A native of Redondo Beach, with family members involved with the Main Street and Agricultural Park Railroad, LARY, LATL, LAMTA, SCRTD, and MTA, and living through the demise and rebirth of [...]
Known to his friends as “Der Fliegender Hollander” (The Flying Dutchman) because he didn’t seem to have a home and could always be seen riding the Pacific Electric, Bill Arnold still found time [...]
A former employee of the Pacific Electric Railway, the late Walter Abbenseth was also well known to the Southern California rail fan community both for his efforts to save and preserve P. E. [...]
Fred Hust’s interest in the P. E. started when he was about three years old and continued throughout his life. Fred was fortunate enough to grow up in the area near Vineyard Junction, the busiest [...]