Pacific Electric Hollywood Car no. 739 emerges from the Hill Street Tunnel at 3:40 into this clip from 1949’s noir “Criss Cross,” starring Burt Lancaster and The Munsters’ [...]
Broderick Crawford stars in this 1954 noir “Down Three Dark Streets,” which includes action at Subway Terminal Building and Pacific Electric PCCs, including no. 5001. From transit [...]
From our good friend Ralph Cantos comes this great clip, from the 1950 Rudolph Maté noir “Union Station” starring William Holden. Take it away, Ralph: It was shot on the PEs 6th and [...]
Silent cinema legend Harold Lloyd commandeers a 200-class Pacific Electric streetcar (possibly 211?) and takes it through a variety of locations on the Western-Franklin Line in Hollywood in this [...]
Here’s a terrific promotional newsreel by L. M. DeBell produced in 1927. It includes sequences of Pacific Electric cars on Hollywood Boulevard. Suggested by Ralph Cantos.
Are Streetcars Coming Back to Los Angeles?: PE and LARy/LATL historian and friend of the Pacific Electric Railway Historical Society Ralph Cantos recently appeared on Fox 11 News in a [...]
Long before “In Like Flint” and “Austin Powers,” there was “Comrade X,” a 1940 spy comedy starring Clark Gable and Hedy Lamarr. Per our regular contributor Bob [...]
Check out Pacific Electric no. 868 starring in this scene from the 1935 musical comedy “Music is Magic” starring Alice Faye. The PE scene (which starts at about 2:45) was filmed on [...]
Cable television program “Cities of the Underworld” profiles the Subway Terminal building, complete with animated re-creations of the underground rail activity and an exploration of [...]