Pacific Electric 110 – Bound for Arlington?

It’s an unknown date as Pacific Electric no. 110 has its destination sign rolled up to Arlington.

However, we believe this photo was taken at 34th and Mountain View in San Bernardino; we know of no place on the Arlington line where mountains such as these would be in the background.

Additionally this photo is very similar to one appearing in Interurbans, Lines of The Eastern District by Ira Swett (published December 1954, page 27).

If this is 34th and Mountain View, this car is working the North D Street – Colton line.

Unknown Photographer, Robert Gaddie Collection

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  • Al Donnelly

    From Special 16 Eastern District page 30 “Riverside-Redlands Line” (near bottom left column): “As an experiment, the line was broken in two on 1 April 28; a San Bernadino-Arlington line was established, also a San Bernadino-Redlands line. Apparently neither worked out as well as the through service, for the Riverside-Redlands line was re-established on 15 June 28.” No mention of car types. Does this help?

  • Al Donnelly

    Of course the date seems to be a problem as PE 100 class (#100 – 114) were not built until 1930?

  • Al Donnelly

    In 1933, six of the New 100 class cars were running in Colton-Highland line service. This remained the case through at least 1936. (Cars #100 through #105 are the likely candidates suggested by photos in the Inland Empire…both cars were still present in 1941.) In the same year, 1933, nine of the New 100 class were attendant for Long Beach local services. Guesswork would expect cars #106 through #114, as this would account for the 15 total cars of the class. [None of this is exact to be sure…someone might have better info. on specific cars.] L.B. photos account for #108, #109, #110, #111, #112, & #114 for certain.
    New 100 class #108 was the car pictured here in 1938 (probably released from Long Beach group). New 100 class #110 was also assigned L.B. and pictured by Al Haij in an undated photo (pg 133 supplement 4 of Special 16, also pg 195 of Special 60). Swett noted that in 1941 there were six of the New 100’s in assignment to Riverside local lines, and pointed out that closure of L.B. locals had released additional cars that year to both S.B. & Riverside service. In 1942, along with car #106, the Riverside-Arlington service was handled by #111, #112, & #114.

  • Tom Garcia

    Using a bit of triagulation of the mountain ridgeline and seeing the rail line runs in a straight line,I placed this on Electric Ave and 48th Street in San Bernardino. This would be a bit north of previous comment placements. Mountain View had the rails running between roadways north until 40th street where a slight westward radius takes the line to the east side of Electric Ave were it runs straight north to the base of the mountains, then turning eastwardly.,-117.2890812,3a,33.1y,23.84h,92.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srCdUfw7LUs14qWscWIPqvw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

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Robert Gaddie Photo, Robert Gaddie CollectionRobert Gaddie Photo, Robert Gaddie Collection