1619 and Crew
A proud Pacific Electric crew member poses with his charge, freight locomotive no. 1619, in this Northern District photo from around 1930. The gentleman is unidentified, but the image comes from the period collection of 1619 motorman Lynwood Abner Toothaker, who may have shot this image.
L. A. Toothaker Collection
Thomas Pollock Collection
From Tom:
Grandpa Lynn worked for the PE 1912-1946, mostly as a motorman, and I think Boston Elevated for a while before that.
The photos of 1619 may have been taken between when 1619 was built in the PE shops, 1924, and the change to the larger orange lettering scheme circa 1932. My reliable source on the PE tells me they also started changing the headlamp equipment shown here, circa 1930. Therefore, I have to label these photos as “circa 1930”. There are no marks on the backs of these photos and besides what you can see in the photos, I have only one more bit of information: identifying my grandfather, Lynwood Abner Toothaker, the fellow in the light colored cap and dark clothes. I regret I have no idea who his fellow crew members were … and since the same three guys are in those photos, who might have been holding the camera. Grandpa went by “L. A.” on the job, but by “Lynn” within the family. I think these photos might have been taken on the Northern District since that was his home district and had a lot of these rock runs.
By the looks of the rock train, this could possibly be San Dimas at or near the Rock Quarry there.
It is not on the Main Line as the overhead is simple span constriction.
Just in case anyone wants to further research quarry lines or mineral extractions along PE, here’s a link to a 1921 resource including info. on Union Rock which had just taken over Brush Canyon (line abandoned in 1918 and first movie shot at Bronson Caves same year). One might work forward or backward from this point: https://books.google.com/books?id=X2tEAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA322&lpg=PA322&dq=union+rock+company+los+angeles&source=bl&ots=GF6ogXKf-S&sig=BMuCV14zukIQ3s6q-SqPx5_LWfE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjv5XS1fjXAhUaHGMKHb0QAtUQ6AEIODAD#v=onepage&q=union%20rock%20company%20los%20angeles&f=false