Texas contractors remove Pacific Electric’s Glendora Line rail in Arcadia near Santa Anita on March 18, 1952.
Alan Weeks Photo, Alan Weeks Collection
Removing the Rail: Arcadia2010-06-102011-11-17https://www.pacificelectric.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/peryhs-logo-350.pngPacific Electric Railway Historical Societyhttps://www.pacificelectric.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/peryhs-logo-350.png200px200px
Note that the overhead wire is still in place–salvaging this part of the PE would be easier after the rails were removed. This location was near the spur into the stable area of the race track, which was mostly used for horse express cars.
Note that the overhead wire is still in place–salvaging this part of the PE would be easier after the rails were removed. This location was near the spur into the stable area of the race track, which was mostly used for horse express cars.