Pacific Electric Trip Pass (1934)
Pacific Electric Railway 1934 Trip Pass for AT&SF assistant yardmaster R. F. Jurgens and his wife good between San Bernardino and Los Angeles. Note on the top it is “Not good for Mount Lowe Trip.”
Michael Patris Collection
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I have a 1918 PER Co pass issued to my great grandfather J.H. Carroll who worked for the Pacific Electric from 1902 to 1919 as a Motorman for the North Division (Victoria line). It is pass number 1697. It says “issued because of meritorious service during the past 15 years, Pacific Electric Railway Co, 1918 No 1697, J.H. Carroll Motorman, North Division over the entire system, until December 31st 1918.” It is signed by misters R.R. Cheever and Paul Shoup. I would like to donate the artifact to the PE Museum. Please email me instructions for doing so.