1241 at Garden Grove
At Garden Grove Station, Pacific Electric interurban no. 1241 stops to pick up a passenger at midday. For some reason the Garden Grove station was set back from the Santa Ana main line.
Bill Everett Collection
Donald Duke Collection
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If the same view were taken today, the station would be in the parking lot of the Home Depot at Garden Grove Bvld, with the G.G. Freeway in the background. Oh well ,the new streetcar system is being built in Santa Ana-Garden Grove, but not at this location.
My grandfather,Mel Soper, was station master
I am looking for the real location of the Garden Grove station. It is, on many websites mentioned as being in the present parking lot of the Home Depot on Garden Grove Boulevard. Yet some maps, including the 1947 PE color map, show it on the south side of G.G. Bvld. Can anyone shine some light on this issue?